Meet the Ruling Pen



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Learn to fling ink with this funky looking tool called a Ruling Pen!







What you'll learn:

  • Understand the fundamental construct of a ruling pen and how to use it effectively to create thicks and thins
  • Warm-up exercises and shadow strokes required to write expressive letters with a ruling pen
  • How to write a freehand expressive minuscule alphabet with a guided exemplar
  • How to write a modern capital alphabet with a guided exemplar
  • Layout and design for the composition of an artwork
  • Techniques to paint and decorate letters with watercolors
  • Comprehensive handouts for future reference

The Ruling Pen makes interesting textures and expressive strokes!

How this will work:

  • This is a live online group workshop.
  • Live lessons will be recorded and available for replay.
  • Each lesson will be approximately 2 hours plus a 30 minute Q&A session.
  • You will be able to see a close view of the instructor's paper.
  • All handouts, links and recordings are found in the course portal.






About Sachin:

You may have noticed his name on the cover of the Speedball Textbook! Sachin Shah is a software engineer by qualification and a calligrapher by passion for over 25 years. Always fascinated by letters and an inspiration to many around the world, he is an expert at most scripts and loves to share his knowledge with everyone interested in the arts.
